Community / Workplace
Tony’s presentation style and the content he covered were right on target. He connected with staff across our organization to provide practical and relevant tools. A quote from a post-event survey response said, "I would love for this to be offered again so I can recommend it to as many coworkers as possible. I'm not kidding, this was one of the top 3 best group trainings I have ever been to, a great mix of relevant content and engaging delivery.” - Ben McCormack, CSP | Safety Officer / Risk & Safety Division | City of Vancouver, Washington
Tony Cloud is the gold standard! His presentation skills and passion for training is unmatched. He speaks with a wealth of relatable knowledge that is easy to digest and apply. Tony has provided amazing training on numerous topics for unique and diverse groups of individuals ranging from front line employees to managers and executive leadership. His approach connects with everyone and finds common ground amid our social, political and financially charged environments. Truly the best trainer in my 30 years of public service! - Ron Hussung, CSM USA, Ret. | Risk Manager; Enterprise Risk Management Services | Washington State Department of Agriculture
Tony has provided training for our organization several times over the last few years. He’s been great to work with – he comes prepared and practiced. When I host courses with him, I don’t have to worry. We always receive high marks from our attendees. They consistently note the excellent presentation and practical information. Tony presents on tough subjects with realism, empathy, and understanding. - Laura Juell, Risk and Training Coordinator | Washington State Transit Insurance Pool
Tony's skill as a public speaker combined with his passion for mental health education make him a powerful presenter. I was struck by his kind, authentic and practical understanding of mental health conditions. Tony has been an asset to our community. His presentations, positive and practical approach have been very well received. I whole heartedly recommend Tony Cloud." - Marilyn Roberts, Director of Operations
National Alliance on Mental Illness, Thurston/Mason Affiliate
“I wish that every corrections officer could receive Mental Health First Aid training. I believe that our corrections system would be better because of it – the inmates would benefit, the officers would benefit and ultimately our communities would benefit.”– Lt. Virgil Meyer, Lieutenant, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
“The training was well-received by our staff....Focusing on mental health has helped to develop a shared sense of caring in our school district and in the community. Additionally, it has answered many of the questions our staff members faced after experiencing the heartache of student suicides. Finally, parents and community members know that we are doing everything we can to protect the overall health of our most valuable assets — our students.”– Robert Underwood, Superintendent of Indian Lake Local Schools (via Ohio.gov)
“It was clear to me we needed to do this [Mental Health First Aid]. I wouldn’t let it go...My sense is we have a responsibility to pay close attention to the issues and look after our community.” – Donald H. DeHayes, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Rhode Island
"Tony was by far one of the best presenter's and instructor's that I have had in a class. I would highly recommend this course to anyone. He presented the material with confidence and was very well educated on the subject. He incorporated some of his own experience in the field and gave examples as well as having provided group exercises and questions for us to participate. He gets an A+ in my opinion!" - MHFA participant St. Joseph Health Grant
First Responders
“Since completing training, I’ve noticed that there is more conversation about mental health among members of our team, and that is helping reduce the stigma associated with behavioral health issues. People at the Clifton Fire Department are using what they learned in the course in their personal lives as well as their professional lives.”– Deputy Fire Chief Michael Allora, Clifton Fire Department
"Thank you so much for this training. It was some of the most valuable training I've received in my 22+ years of state employment. I think it's an important step towards removing stigma from mental health conditions. I can see why this instructor is one of the best in the nation!"-A grateful employeeWashington State Department of Labor and Industries
Faith Communities
“I heard about Mental Health First Aid from a church member and immediately saw the need. I come in contact with various individuals who are having a mental health crisis, either themselves or in their family. I’ve taken regular first aid, and I’ve used both, but certainly the opportunities to use Mental Health First Aid are much more abundant.”
– Pastor Nathan Krause, Fort Worth First Seventh-Day Adventist Church